Farming and Crop Protection 


Acrisio® - The Powdery Mildew Specialist, is a novel chemistry with unique mode of action which provides comprehensive disease control.

Acrisio®, globally known as Vivando; is grouped under group “U8” by ‘FRAC’. This is the only chemical available in India in this group & hence stands as the best tool for effective Powdery Mildew resistance management in Grape & Apple. 


  • Comprehensive disease control
  • New Chemistry and unique mode of action
  • Good tool in Resistance Management due to it Dual mode of action with low risk chemistry

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How it works?

Acrisio® disrupts the activity of the fungus right at the tip of the hyphae, preventing further fungus growth.  Due do its systemic chemistry it effectively protects the entire canopy from powdery mildew.

Unique mode of action

mode of action

Effective control of diseases

Results in Powdery Mildew

Results in Powdery Mildew


Product application information:

Target Disease / PestDosage / Application RateWater VolumePHI
Powdery Mildew 100 ml / acre 300 L/ acrePHI of  22 days
Target Disease / PestDosage / Application RateWater VolumePHI
Powdery Mildew 0.15 ml/l 1000 L /acrePHI of  42 days
Target Disease / PestDosage / Application RateWater VolumePHI
Powdery Mildew 0.2ml/L400 L / acrePHI of 35 Days
Target Disease / PestDosage / Application RateWater VolumePHI
Powdery Mildew 100 ml/acre 200 L/acrePHI of 35 Days
Target Disease / PestDosage / Application RateWater VolumePHI
Powdery Mildew 100 ml/acre 200 L/acrePHI of 7 Days